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Script VO du Webisode N°4

DRUITT: What would you do if you did manage to free yourself? Attack me or go after the boy and hope I didn't interfere?

ASHLEY: Oh definitely do you first [sneers] Dad

DRUITT: Yes, I wouldn't believe either. Such an outlandish not to mention sordid tale

ASHLEY: I know my mother, you're not even close to her type. For starters she likes her men sane! And a lot less talky.

DRUITT: Oh she liked me well enough when she agreed to marry me

ASHLEY: OK well you have me, you have the ghoul. What's next? My butt's getting cold.

DRUITT: Imagine spending every hour of every day. Every penny of your fortune trying to find someone only to discover you were looking in the wrong bloody century. Imagine the frustration, the anger as the search went on a fool's errand. I moved from decade to decade holding on to the one hope that I would finally land in the right time and place and find you Ashley.

ASHLEY: My father is dead

DRUITT: Who told you that? Oh the good Doctor. My God, her gall never ceases to amaze me. Who is she to play nursemaid to every deviant who's lost it's way? Or more to the point to decide that you should never know your own flesh and blood! Who is she to say

HELEN: I'm her mother that's who!

WILL: Yeah, this is why I busted my ass in medical school. To crawl around dirty tunnels chasing mutant psychos. OK keep it together Will, the monsters are down there not up here. I thought you were going to wait in the car?

DRUITT: Helen, you look wonderful

HELEN: Stop playing games John. You got what you wanted.

DRUITT: Indeed. A family at last. You played your cards very patiently, hmmm well done. As if that could prevent this moment

ASHLEY: Mom please tell this guy there's a nice padded cell in his future

HELEN: Quiet Ashley. Be reasonable, how could I tell her the truth?

DRUITT: How could you not?

HELEN: You murdered eight innocent women

WILL: No! Not yet

ASHLEY: I'm still waiting for the it's a total lie part! Mom! He's not my Dad, right?

HELEN: Please this is neither the time nor the place. Whatever you are going to do, don't!

DRUITT: Actually it is you who is going to do it all Helen. Look what you have made of our daughter, a foul mouthed, wilful, violent child. But at the core? A needy little girl who just misses her Dad. And this your beloved creatures, the damned souls that you so tirelessly try to save. It is all up to you Helen. Make your choice! What will it be?

ASHLEY: Don't.

DRUITT: This is entertaining

HELEN: I know you are quick John but if memory serves, bullets are quicker

DRUITT: Memory is a fickle companion

WILL: No! No! Let me. Alexei wait

HELEN: What now John? I die like one of your whores?

DRUITT: Tell me what choice I have?

Alexei: You want to hurt me!

WILL: No, I don't I want to help you. Other people might be afraid of you but I'm not

Alexei: Why?

WILL: Because there's no such thing as monsters

HELEN: Forgive me John

DRUITT: You can't control her forever Helen

HELEN: Stop you'll never survive

WILL: Easy guys. You actually exist. I was, I am scared of you . I know it's just the idea of you, the concept. You see I saw this movie when I was a kid and I had an over active imagination and ... never mind. Just get better.

BIGFOOT: Will, you used to live over in Barren County

WILL: Yeah, when I was a kid, East hills

BIGFOOT: 1123 Seneca Boulevarde. Before I met the Doctor I was angry. I enjoyed scaring people, kids. I knew that movie was playing that night. I'm sorry

WILL: It was you?

BIGFOOT: Mmmhmm I know it is late in coming but no hard feelings?

WILL: You sure you're OK?

ASHLEY: I was not at my best back there

WILL: Considering the situation

ASHLEY: Yeah well if you're thinking about working here you should really see this.
BARNEY: Will you stop fiddling with that thing. Let's just get this over with. Come on make yourself useful with something huh? Go get me a cream soda. What was I talking about? New guy if you're watching this that means she's dragged you into this whole little circus of her's huh? Well I was once young like you a year out of medical school 1932 or something. I was finishing night shift at the hospital, walking home she came out of the shadows. This woman she hands me this business card after that I was just caught in her web. You know we were studying the abnormals and we got to be close Oh yeah, a special bond Helen and I. She had ideas about things.

ASHLEY: He rambles a bit here

BARNEY: I begged her, I pleaded with her to stop. I didn't think I could take it anymore. You know different things from the fridge

ASHLEY: No, no

BARNEY: been given an opportunity to learn things. Things that no one else can ever know and there will be risks, there will be sacrifices. At best the chances of like death is maiming it could be in the cards. But what is that in the face of knowing the truth. The truth about human kind. Oh, Hey. ?? guy ?? guy I just lost another fingernail. What I gotta do? Where are you? Oh. Don't sneak up on me like that. Well anyway good luck new guy. Just keep your head up, keep your eyes open and stay away from anything, anything radioactive. I don't care how cute or fluffy it is. You tell Helen, you tell Helen that... tell her that Barney says hello. She'll know what that means. I'll get someone to husk down my corns

WILL: Nice

HELEN: Leaving Dr Zimmerman?

WILL: After watching Barney TV can you blame me? Look I just wanted to say thank you, it was a lot of fun, as traumatic as it was

HELEN: You're turning down my offer

WILL: Yeah, I already have a job

HELEN: At that zoo they laughingly call a hospital. Cold hearted bureaucrats and uneducated sloths.

WILL: Hey don't forget about the fee jello

HELEN: Ah. So why linger? Off you go.

WILL: Is Alexei...

HELEN: I've secured a place for him at a special school I know. He'll be fine

WILL: And what about Ashley? That's some heavy news about her Dad.

HELEN: I will deal with my daughter have no fear. Was there something else?

WILL: Yeah, yeah, it's you and Druitt. Something about it still doesn't make sense to me

HELEN: Pray tell

WILL: Barney 1932? And the way you talk those Sherlock Holmes expressions. Who says Pray tell? And Druitt was the same way.

HELEN:The use of the Queens English is a lost art

WILL: No, no, no. Let's just forget about the very disturbing fact that you have a basement full of monsters and your butler shouldn't exist. Let's talk about you and this guy, OK? You claim that your first patient was Montague John Druitt a man who also happens to be Scotland Yards prime suspect in the Ripper killings in 1888

HELEN: I told you he could bend dimensional space, why not time as well?

WILL: So he's the actual Ripper? Come on, you can't know that, not for sure

HELEN: Indeed I can Dr Zimmerman. I was there.

WILL: So you can travel through time too?

HELEN: I cannot

WILL: But you said that Ashley was your flesh and blood so

HELEN: She is. I kept the embryo frozen for over a century till I could bear the loneliness no longer. I brought it to term believing John was gone for good. I under estimated his determination

WILL: How is any of this possible?

HELEN: When you treat beings with extraordinary powers sometimes the rewards are well unexpected

WILL: So that means that you

HELEN: I am 157 years old. Aren't you leaving? Your gratuitous jello awaits

WILL: You know I hoped that at least you would be normal

HELEN: Sorry to disappoint

WILL: Can you promise me that I'm not going to end up like Barney?

HELEN: I can't do that. But I can promise you the adventure of many, many lifetimes. Shall we begin?


Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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