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Script VO du Webisode N°6

HELEN: Is it true?

GREGORY: And how was your evening?

HELEN: They cannot do this! It's beyond unfair

GREGORY: Ah, it's already done

HELEN: Ignorant bastards

GREGORY: Language Helen

HELEN: You brought The Royal College out of the Dark Ages. Sanitation reforms, treatments for Smallpox, Cholera. Those were all your incentives

GREGORY: You can't be surprised. They've been trying to rescind my membership for a decade now. It only took this long because they lack imagination. What is it?

HELEN: Like father, like daughter I suppose

GREGORY: Helen, I'm so sorry

HELEN: I had the highest possible marks in the entrance exam and yet they've rejected me again.

GREGORY: You already know more than the doctors who wrote the exam.

HELEN: I cannot legally practise medicine anywhere without a degree from the London school. There's not a hospital or clinic in Europe that would hire me. This is my third rejection, I can't take the exam again

GREGORY: Because you are a Magnus

HELEN: I do not accept this Father. I will not settle for a life of mediocrity and subjugation, I want more. Teach me.

GREGORY: My private research is unorthodox Helen. It is not to be entered into lightly, nor with anger.

HELEN: You are the most talented medical researcher I have ever known and yet you keep your most important work hidden from the world, from me. If you truly believe that I have potential, Father please, help me achieve it

GREGORY: Once you enter this door you are on a path that cannot be reversed.

TATHA: It's as though this is all a dream and when we wake up everything will be the same as it was before

CAIRD: Why is nothing familiar to us? This building, these clothes, and these rooms are all warm without fire, the light is unchanging with the day

WILL: It's a lot to digest Cairth

CAIRD: I see myself in the mirror and I recognise my face, I know Tatha and Danu but the person I thought I was... you're telling me there is no village, no sickness, the little I can remember is false. How can we all not feel completely lost?

TATHA: Danu has told us that you insist there was no magicks involved, that what we suffer is simply a malady

WILL: It's more of an emotional shield. We found you in a crypt surrounded by monsters, it's normal for the human psyche to put itself in a safe mode

DANU: We want to accept your diagnosis doctor and we are grateful for all you've done

WILL: But you're still not buying it. The clinical term is schizo affective disorder, it's a delusional state stemming from acute post traumatic stress. People have awoken from comas thinking that they were royalty, that they were aliens from another planet even people with super powers.

TATHA: But we are all three suffering from the same disorder, how is that possible?

WILL: Delusional behaviour occurring virally in groups is rare but it's not undocumented, particularly amongst siblings. Look let me put it this way. If you really were 1200 years old then there is no way that I would understand anything that you are saying right now. How do you explain that? There is no logical or physical way that your memories can be real and the sooner that you accept that then the sooner we can make progress

DANU: Because the truth will out eventually

WILL: It always does

HELEN: Excellent timing, I'm starved

BIGFOOT: They raise my hackles

HELEN: In a good way?

BIGFOOT: You know there is no good way. Progress?

HELEN: Nothing concrete. Base physiology is essentially human The DNA scans indicate significant mutation to key chromosomes likely resulting in increased adrenal production, heightened strength and reflexes as well as this lovely appearance. All in all, be glad you missed it.

BIGFOOT: I am not

HELEN: You were recuperating, we managed

BIGFOOT: You were lucky and I am fine now

HELEN: I'll be the judge of that

BIGFOOT: Yes doctor

HELEN: Now what remains to be determined is whether our friends genetic mutation is accidental in nature or by design

BIGFOOT: You think someone made him?

HELEN: I think, there are a lot of unanswered questions about these creatures including the significance of this. On his right hand, index finger

BIGFOOT: It is old, very old

HELEN: That's what I thought, which is why I'll be needing a ride later tonight

BIGFOOT: Where are we going?

HELEN: To see if your hackles are right

WILL: I want you to concentrate on the sound of my voice. I'm going to count backwards from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Danu can you hear me?


WILL: I want you to go back to the last thing you remember before you woke up here

DANU: The creatures they're too strong

TATHA: we can't escape.

DANU: Why are they doing this? We've done nothing wrong. They're making us drink something. I can't move, darkness

WILL: I want you to go back further, find a memory of something that happened before the creatures took you

DANU: Moonlight, it's cold. We're in a field, I can sense the dead Their souls extinguished. Only we remain

CAIRD: They're not nightmares. That field of the dead

TATHA: We were actually there that night

DANU: It's more than that, we were the reason

WEXFORD: Doctor your message was very intriguing, you never disappoint

HELEN: I see you've cleaned up since I was here last

WEXFORD: Oh I know it's so austere and uninviting, I deplore it but when one's life is centred around a cruel irony one has to make a few concessions. This way, after you

HELEN: Thank you

WEXFORD: Paintings and moisture are mortal enemies; sadly I need both to survive. Now let me look at your precious little bauble and we can get started. Hmmm, oh this is interesting. Wherever did you find it?

HELEN: Scotland, on a mutated human guarding an ancient crypt

WEXFORD: Scotland you say? Curiouser!

HELEN: Ring any bells?

WEXFORD: Plenty of them, just a question of deciding which one to listen to. The design is at least a thousand years old, predating the Norman Conquest I'd wager. Hmmm, I know I've definitely seen something like it before, yes. Ah, ringing bells, ringing bells. Ding dong! And viola! Fifth century tapestry reproduction

HELEN: Now what are they being offered here? Blood of Christ?

WEXFORD: Oh please! Nothing so cliché! No, this is designed as a symbol of the Cabalis Nocturnum, a quaint little sub sect of the Romano British Knights of the early Middle Ages, charged with protecting the world from Dark influences I believe. These warriors likely drank from the chalice as a gesture of loyalty and faith to the cause

HELEN: Now who is the man offering it to them? A priest?

WEXFORD: Bigger, think the most powerful man in Britain at the time. Hint - not King Arthur

HELEN: Merlin

WEXFORD: These knights were probably rejects from Arthur's court desperate to prove themselves worthy. They accepted a hideous task, fighting the dark forces unleashed by Merlin's nemesis, Morgan Le Fay, evil sorceress, avowed enemy of Arthur, all around mean spirited bitch

HELEN: And who are they?

WEXFORD: Those would be The Morrigan, emissaries created by Morgan to wreak havoc against Arthur's armies. The very embodiment of her hellish powers. Legend has it that their very presence on the battlefield would steal the souls of Arthur's soldiers. They've popped up in literature throughout the ages most notably as a trio of hags in MacBeth. You know boil, boil, toil and all that

HELEN: So The Morrigan were witches

WEXFORD: No love, they were THE witches

WILL: Easy Steve, easy. Ladies



Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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